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Friday, April 20, 2012

Ezra and Shabbat

Today consisted of a hike down Har Arbel, a trip to Tzfat where we met with a local artisan and cleaned out the jewellery stores, and came back to Gonen to prepare for Shabbat. During Shabbat preparations, I sat with Ezra to prepare a post...

1. What has been your favorite part of the trip at this point?

Answer: My favorite part of the trip so far has been the water at Rosh Ha Nikra. On the day we went, we were lucky enough to go on a day in which lets say the waters were pretty wild. Our tour guide said they were the roughest HE'S ever seen! Throughout our visit to Rosh Ha Nikra, we walked though various tunnels in which many there were many holes where we could watch the water flowing through the holes next to the path.

At the very bottom of this one tunnel, we noticed the water was gushing up onto the trail so we decided to play a game. We would all wait on the path and as soon as the water gushes up, we would all run as to not get too wet. The water reached a calm for a few minutes and we got a little bored. People started complaining and were ready to go up. Suddenly a large torrent of water came spewing at us and soaked us all, especially me. Preceding me getting completly smashed by this wave, our teacher Moreh Ari was giggled histerically at my terrible misfourtunes.

2. Do you think our first day on the trip (Ir David, Old City, Har Zion, Kotel, Southern Wall Excavations, and Kotel Tunnel tours) was a long day?
Wow, I never realized how much we did that day til I read this question! Obviously, on the first day, we were all severly tired after our long excruciating trip. Of course it was a long day but I cannot stress how awe inspiring it was for me along with the rest of the class. Along with Yoel's brilliant commentary (I don't know how he remembers everything he does) myself along with the rest of the group all agreed that we learned and gained so much from our stay in Jerusalem. We all learned so much and I heard everyone saying just how great Jerusalem is. Yes it was a long day. I will give you that. But it was a day I will definely always remember.

3. What is something you didn't expect?
I didn't expect to feel so inspired by the land. When we were coming in for our first aproach, I could not believe I was landing in Israel. I felt like crying. It was an out of this world experience. As well, walking through the religious areas of Tzfat and praying at the kotel, one gains an unimaginable amount of happiness and pride of their Jewish heritage; one hard to experience in anywhere but Israel. The profound emotions the land gives to a person is incredible and I hope every Jew will be given to experiene what I have had. I am glad Talmud Torah would orginize this for me and I believe that everyone should make an effort to go on trips like this and ultimately make aliya to Israel.

4. What have you eaten on the trip so far?
Magnum Ice Creams (a lot of them)
Cottage Cheese
Tasty cheeses I cannot name
Fresh bread
Traditional Druze foods I yet again cannot name
Choclate logs
And a whole lot more I just cannot remember

5. How do you feel about spending Shabbat in Israel?
I am more than extatic for Shabbos in Israel. As you may all know, this has been my first trip to Israel, so this will be my first shabbos in the holy land. Shabbos is such a spiritual experience that comes every week. No matter were I am or what happened this week, I stop, turn of all my electronics, dress in beautiful Shabbos clothes and welcome the Shabbos bride into my world. To have this experience in Israel will be surreal. I am really looking forward to it.

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