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Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Israelis are Coming!

So yesterday we met up with the Israelis, played some games and had some free time with the students from both Emek HaHula and Calgary's sister-school Har Vagai. After havdalla, the Calgary students went with their hosts, our kids went with theirs, and we'll meet up again in a few days.

Today, they went to class with the Israelis for a few periods, while me and Tim got to see the kids that were on the program two years ago. Two of the Israelis took Zac and Itai to be interviewed on the radio, which I bet was really cool, and we are waiting to receive a recording of the interview.

Then there was some rope climbing and pizza, then I'm not really sure what they did cuz they were with their hosts.  It seems like they are hitting it off extremely well. The Israelis speak English really good, so they are interacting very nicely.

Since I don't bring my computer on the day trips, it's tough for me to get a written perspective for the next few days, but I'll be sure to keep the pictures coming! Here are some of Tim's pictures from the whole trip, and then some of mine from the last few days.

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