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Saturday, May 3, 2014

Late? But You Said 8:30...

This is what our bus driver (Asher) said when he picked us up to take us to Rosh Pina for motzaei Shabbat as he stepped off the bus for a quick pre-drive smoke. "What do you mean you're going to do that right now?" Dafna asked him. "We're already late!"

"Late? But you said 8:30," Asher replied. It was 8:45. He had to wait.

Earlier in the day, we started with a program that weighed different Jewish values against each other. What's more important to a Jewish identity: having a bar/bat mitzvah or visiting Israel? Marrying someone Jewish or keeping kosher? Discuss. After heated debate, we had a couple of hours until another activity.

After a good shabbos shluff, we toured the kibbutz and talked about what it was like for the halutzim settling the Galil 100 years ago. There was a beautiful overlook of the Kineret but I did experience a little difficulty with my camera. We also stopped by an olive oil/tehina factory where we got to sample fresh olives, olive oil skin products, tehina, honey, and halva. Sometimes it was hard to tell whether you were supposed to eat the sample or rub it on your face, but all in all a lot of good food was eaten and a lot of (I'm sure good) cosmetics were spit out.

After this, there was a healthy seudah shlishit of popcorn, chocolate, and bisli, followed by a sunflower seed eating competition, and finally havdallah and a drive to Rosh Pina for dinner.

Some of the penpals met our kids in Rosh Pina for a bonus visit, and took us to their favourite hamburger restaurant. I was particularly glad to catch every one of them at one point on their cell phones at the same time.

I am so thrilled we got to spend three absolutely wonderful Shabbats in Israel. It's extremely special and I hope that it will be an experience these guys want to repeat many times in the future.

I hope everyone is enjoying/enjoyed their Shabbat as well. Shavua tov!

a chameleon fell out of a tree and almost hit Esther in the head. It's skin was peeling worse than mine.

 Bad time to get shmutz in the camera lens :(

Seudah Shlishit

 Sunflower seed eating competition

Lively dinner conversation

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